Friday, January 15, 2010


Just a short note to say:

Voters of Massachusetts, you have lived through a failed state health care plan under Mitt Romney; you know what this could do on a national scale. Please do NOT vote to elect Martha Coakley. She is more of the same: big government, higher taxes, WRONG health care reform, and an Obamabot.

Please vote for Scott Brown. He is a conservative who promises not to vote for the Obama-initiated health care plan. That is enough to push him over the top and into a Congressional seat. Get the vote out--tell all your friends and family who live in Massachusetts to vote for real change, not more of the same. Coakley is in the mold of Sen. Ted Kennedy and Obama, and what has that done for Massachusetts lately? Also, get the word out--if a REPUBLICAN-initiated universal state health care plan did not work, why would it work on a national scale? SPEAK UP and VOTE--it is one of the greatest privileges we have!