Thursday, October 16, 2008

Beware the Evils of Socialism--from one who knows

Welcome to my new Blogsite! This is the first time I've tried anything like this to get the word out, so please bear with me, and let me know how you like it.

I received a post from my online friend, PatriotGreg, regarding the impending prospect of Socialism here in America if Obama is elected. I decided to post here a summary of my response to him.
Thank you, PatriotGreg, for your insightful remarks. Growing up with a father who was an immigrant from Poland when it was still a Socialist nation (he was 30 in the late '60's when he emigrated from Poland), our father made sure that we knew what a great country we lived in. He reminded us often of the difficulties to be had under a Socialist system, and we hoped and prayed it would never come to that here in America. Socialism destroys the "American dream": hard work resulting in the realization of one's dreams will be a thing of the past. To summarize what may happen here, with high probability, if Obama's Socialist ideas are realized and implemented:
1. Everyone has a job, but you will get paid diddly-squat (Doctors--no more high salaries for you. In Poland, they were one of the lowest paid employees.) So much for trying to feed and clothe your families--it will be much more difficult than it is now.
2. Long food lines, food rationed, very little food to go around.
3. Personal property will be stripped from you and will go to those in Government. They will be the only ones with any wealth to speak of.
4. You won't be able to own a home or more than one. My father's family of 7 lived in a 800 sq. ft. apartment under Socialist Poland.
5. Government runs everything. (Look out business and banks being bailed out by Big Brother!)
6. Taxes go up on EVERYONE. (Does no one realize that Obama doesn't have to sign new taxes into law, he just has to let the Bush tax cuts "expire" for our taxes to go up?)
7. Because of taxes on small and large businesses, there is no incentive to work hard and succeed.
8. Health care will be worse than you ever imagined. You will have to wait months for an appointment for specialized care, surgery, testing, etc. Equipment will be run down or not available to provide proper services.
9. Free speech will disappear overnight. Anyone who speaks out against the government will be punished ( Read about Fr. Maximillian Kolbe of Poland, or any of the heroes who tried to operate underground groups and papers to try and undermine the Socialist government).
10. Freedom of religion will be frowned upon and suppressed. If anyone in a church speaks out against the evils of Socialism, they will be imprisoned or have worse fates.
11. Gun control will be strict. In Poland, no one was allowed to have a gun except for the military. So much for the people trying to defend themselves against common criminals, much less the government!
These are just a few of the many "wonderful" things we will undergo under Socialism. Please be aware and share with others before it is too late!

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